- Four Gargoyles - cure DTs, Paladins tank [Priority 1]
- Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Necromancer - click your banes on these targets (as soon as threat is established)
- Wolf - focus immediately after Gargoyles - need MULTIPLE Tanks due to Charm [Priority 2]
- Rogue, Enchanter, Wizard, Magician - click your bane on this target (as soon as possible)
- Spider - offtank away from raid [Priority 3]
- Cleric, Paladin - click your bane on this target (as soon as possible)
- Orc - does a punt mechanic (?) - Warrior Tank, ST Rampage - need MNK / RNG Dispells [Priority 4]
- Shadowknight, Berserker, Bard, Beastlord - SKs and Berserkers will click (as soon as possible - stagger them if you can), Bards/Beastlords will await instructions (click if low DPS)
- Once all adds are dead, rebuff the dead and prep for Mayong ... this assumes we do not fall behind on DPS.
- If we do not kill all adds before Mayong becomes active, we need to finish them off before beginning on Mayong.
- Establish MT and Single Target RT (you should be ready to tag in case our DPS is low in P1).
- Put Mayong in designated tanking spot:
- Await BANE instructions...
- Priority 1: Bard / Beastlord Clicks
- Priority 2: SK / Berserker x3
- Priority 3: Cleric / Paladin Clicks
- Priority 4: Remaining Clicks - avoid Shamans + Druids
- Priority 5: Magicians and Wizards - Banes need to be saved for <20% health
- Focus adds at all times unless you are instructed to be ready for next bane click. A designated Paladin needs to be ready to pick up spawning adds and call for assist.
- Need MNK / RNG Dispells at various points throughout the fight.
- Bats will spawn every 4 (+) minutes (starting @ 80%), they need to be treated just like the P1 Bat encounter. Everyone backs off of Mayong, Enchanters / Bards will AoE Mez. Druids and anyone else with a root will root adds until they despawn.
- Warriors blow a Furious / AoE Taunt each wave.
- Continue to follow bane weapon instructions.
- Stop DPS @ 22% until we deal with a final bat wave.
- NEW MECHANIC - DEATH TOUCH - jump off the ledge and hide behind the wall. Healers can preposition here.
Code: Select all
The Master raises his sword
- Priority on Bane Weapons shifts:
- Priority 1: Wizards / Mages
- Priority 2: Rogues / Enchanters
- Priority 3: Warriors / Rangers
- Priority 4: anyone else ...
- Priority 5: avoid Shamans + Druids
- Full BURN, pop all remaining discs.
- There may be charms in this phase, but I do not know if this mechanic is properly functioning (?)